- Ferrante, G., Rivalta, E. and Maccaferri, F., 2024. Spatio-temporal evolution of rift volcanism controlled top-down by a deepening graben. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 629, p.118593.
Conference abstracts
- Ferrante, G., Rivalta, E. and Maccaferri, F., 2024. How developing grabens dictate volcanism shifts in rifts (No. EGU24-6331). Copernicus Meetings.
- Gonnermann, H.M., Ferrante, G., Anderson, K.R., Foster, J. and Johanson, I.A., 2023. The Magma Plumbing System of Kilauea Volcano, Hawaii, During its 2018 Eruption. AGU23.
- Ferrante, G. and Gonnerman, H., Magma transport to the shallow subsurface during the 2003-2007 “surge” in magma supply at Kīlauea Volcano, Hawai’i. AGU23.
- Mohite, P., Naliboff, J., Richards, F., Hazzard, J., Rivalta, E., Ferrante, G., Coulson, S. and Maccaferri, F., 2023. Development of quantitative methods and workflows to constrain the relationship between solid Earth deformation, ice sheet evolution, and volcanism. AGU23.
- Ferrante, G., Rivalta, E. and Maccaferri, F., 2022, May. Spatio-temporal evolution of rift volcanism driven by progressive crustal unloading. In EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts (pp. EGU22-8663).